A Smart Way To Access Training

Online learning is a great way of keeping current with industry education and compliance regulations that will positively impact your career or business. Online training is easy to use, affordable and instantly accessible that reduces the barriers to achieving your training goals.

Personalized Accounts

A training account that will never expire. Keep records of the training that you have completed and know which courses you need next.

Cloud LMS, Instant Training, No Headaches

100% Cloud-based. Access the LMS from any computer, smart phone or tablet at anytime.

Constant Monitoring

We are constantly monitoring our courses and content to make sure everything is working and up to date.

Fail Proof

Each test component requires participants to achieve 80%. Those who fail are re-challenged to take a new test with different questions.

Help & Support

Ongoing support and guidance is provided. You are never alone.

Cost Effective

Our pay-per-participant model ensures that training remains cost effective, whether you train one person or a large group.


Certificates and wallet card are ready to print as soon as the participant completes their course. Both participants and administrators can print the certificates.

No Barriers

No geographic limitations, no travelling involved, no classroom scheduling to worry about, and no time away from work.

Safe and Accessible Record Keeping

All learning data is updated in real time and stored in the Cloud. Ready for you to access from anywhere.